Emilio G. Piracci



He graduated in Telecommunications Engineering from the Tor Vergata University, Rome in May 2005.
From October 2006 he is pursuing the Ph.D. degree in Geoinformation at the Tor Vergata University.

G. Galati, M. Gasbarra, E.G. Piracci "Decoding techniques for SSR Mode S signals in high traffic environment", European Microwave Week 2005.
G. Galati, N.Petrochilos, L. Mene`, E.G. Piracci, "Separation of multiple Secondary Surveillance Radar sources in a real environment by a novel projection algorithm", IEEE ISSPIT 2005, Athens, Greece.
G. Galati, N.Petrochilos, E.G. Piracci, "Projection algorithm to separe multiple Secondary Surveillance Radar sources in real environment", IEEE SAM 2006.
G. Galati, P. Magaro`, E.G. Piracci, L. Ciccotti, "Multilateration applied to airport vehicles managements system: the Agile Trasponder", European Microwave Week 2006.
N. Petrochilos, G. Galati, E.G. Piracci, "Application of array processing to receiving stations of multilateration systems based on SSR signals", Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic systems, Sept. 2006
E.G. Piracci, N. Petrochilos, G. Galati, "Single antenna projection algorithms for Mode S based airport traffic surveillance", ESAVS 2007.
