Alessandro Burini

Alessandro Burini was born in 1980 in Brescia. In February 2005, he received the Laurea (second level) in Telecommunication Engineering with Summa Cum Laude from the Tor Vergata University, Rome, defending the thesis entitled "A new fronteer for precision farming: Backscatter sensitivity to grapes", carried out at the European Space Agency (ESA/ESRIN). He presently pursues his PhD in GeoInformation at the Tor Vergata University.

After his graduation, he joined GEO-K where he acts as Remote Sensing Engineer; he was involved in land cover project (GSE Land), SAR acquisition campaign (Bacchus DOC, ESA-DLR) and ozone retrieval (OZONE 3D). He has got also experience in ship detection, automatic calibration tool for SAR Images, G.I.S. and multi-sensor processing. A main branch of his research concerns the use of SAR data (multi temporal, multi frequency, polarimetric, very-high resolution) to retrieve plant biomass and soil parameters.

[1] A. Burini, A. Minchella, D. Solimini, "SAR in agriculture: Sensitivity of Backscattering to Grapes'', Proc. IGARSS' 05, Seoul, Korea, 2005.

[2] A. Burini, F. Del Frate,A. Minchella, G. Schiavon,D. Solimini, R. Bianchi, L. Fusco, R. Horn, "Multi-Temporal High-Resolution Polarimetric L-Band SAR observation of a wine-producing landscape'', Proc. IGARSS' 06, Denver, USA, 2006.

[3] A. Burini, F. Del Frate, A. Minchella, G. Schiavon, L. Fusco, D. Solimini, "Da immagini SAR informazioni per la viticoltura'', Mondo GIS, Nov. 2006.

[4] P. Sellitto, A. Burini, F. Del Frate, S. Casadio, "Neural Networks Algorithms for Ozone Profiles Retrieval from Satellite Measurements: Analysis with ESA-Envisat SCIAMACHY and NASA-Aura OMI data'', European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2007, Wien, Austria, 2007.

[5] P. Sellitto, F. Del Frate and A. Burini, "Neural Network Algorithms for the retrieval of Ozone Concentration Profiles from ENVISAT-SCIAMACHY measurements'', EnviSat Symposium 2007, Montreux, Switzerland, 2007.

[6] P. Sellitto, A. Burini, F. Del Frate, S. Casadio, "Dedicated Neural Networks Algorithms for Direct Estimation of Tropospheric Ozone from Satellite Measurements'', Proc. IGARSS' 07, Barcelona, Spain, 2007.

[7] A. Burini, G. Schiavon, D. Solimini, "Sensitivity of multi-temporal high resolution polarimetric C- and L-band SAR to grapes in vineyards'', Proc. IGARSS' 07, Barcelona, Spain, 2007.

[8] F. Pacifici, A. Burini, F. Del Frate, D. Solimini, "Urban land cover classification: potential of high and very-high resolution SAR imagery'', Proc. IGARSS' 07, Barcelona, Spain, 2007.

[9] A. Burini, C. Putignano, F. Del Frate, M. Del Greco, G. Schiavon, D. Solimini, "A neural approach for unsupervised classification of very-high resolution polarimetric SAR data'', Proc. IGARSS' 07, Barcelona, Spain, 2007.

[10] A. Burini, G. Schiavon, D. Solimini, "Sensitivity of multi-temporal high-resolution polarimetric L-band SAR to grapes in vineyards'', 5th International Symposium on Retrieval of Bio- and Geophysical Parameters from SAR Data for Land Applications, Bari, Italy, 2007.

[11] C. Putignano, A. Burini, F. Del Frate, D. Iasillo, G. Signorile , "Produzione di mappe tematiche da dati satellitari: integrazione tra metodologie neurali e ad oggetti'', 11a Conferenza Nazionale ASITA, Torino, Italy, November 2007.

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