Tor Vergata GeoInformation Doctorate

Modeling Trajectory of Dynamic Clusters in Image
Time-Series for Spatio-Temporal Reasoning

Patrick Héas and Mihai Datcu, Senior Member, IEEE


During the last decades, satellites have acquired incessantly high-resolution images of many Earth observation sites. New products have arisen from this intensive acquisition process: high-resolution satellite image time-series (SITS). They represent a large data volume with a rich information content and may open a broad range of new applications. This paper presents an information mining concept which enables a user to learn and retrieve spatio-temporal structures in SITS. The concept is based on a hierarchical Bayesian modeling of SITS information content which enables us to link the interest of a user to specific spatio-temporal structures. The hierarchy is composed of two inference steps: an unsupervised modeling of dynamic clusters resulting in a graph of trajectories, and an interactive learning procedure based on graphs which leads to the semantic labeling of spatio-temporal structures. Experiments performed on a SPOT image time-series demonstrate the concept capabilities.

Index Terms - Bayesian modeling, dynamic cluster trajectories, information mining, semantic labeling, spatio-temporal learning.


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