Tor Vergata Earth Observation Laboratory

Wheat Cycle Monitoring Using Radar Data and a
Neural Network Trained by a Model

F. Del Frate, P. Ferrazzoli, L. Guerriero, T. Strozzi, U. Wegmüller, G. Cookmartin, and S. Quegan



This paper describes an algorithm aimed at monitoring the soil moisture and the growth cycle of wheat fields using radar data. The algorithm is based on neural networks trained by model simulations and multitemporal ground data measured on fields taken as a reference. The backscatter of wheat canopies is modeled by a discrete approach, based on the radiative transfer theory and including multiple scattering effects. European Remote Sensing satellite synthetic aperture radar signatures and detailed ground truth, collected over wheat fields at the Great Driffield (U.K.) site, are used to test the model and train the networks. Multitemporal, multifrequency data collected by the Radiometer-Scatterometer (RASAM) instrument at the Central Plain site are used to test the retrieval algorithm.

Index Terms - Crops, neural networks, radar, retrieval, scattering model

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TGRS.2008.2001885

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